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(暴力与红色)【石榴的颜色】The Color of Pomegranates - Sayat Nova - Sergei Parajanov

2021-3-18 17:35
[视频作者] 屮王炸小核弹屮
[视频时长] 72:50
[视频类型] 短片
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26tEfblGH5I&list=PLV0K6AID2S7MM9kxIc0YnT5njPodg6Kn5 暴力和红色。Video meditation on representations of violence, the violence of representation, human history as a lacework of red, violent acts.
[图](暴力与红色)【石榴的颜色】The Color of Pomegranates - Sayat Nova - Sergei Parajanov
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