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【外挂英字】2009年英国皇家歌剧院 普赛耳《狄朵与埃涅阿斯》Purcell's Dido and Æneas - Royal Opera House

2021-3-1 8:34
[视频作者] Asmism
[视频时长] 61:3
[视频类型] 音乐现场
Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Christopher Hogwood | Music director Lucy Crowe | Belinda Sarah Connolly | Dido Anita Watson | Second Woman Lucas Meachem | Aeneas Sara Fulgoni | Sorceress Eri Nakamura | First Witch Pumeza Matshikiza | Second Witch Iesty
[图]【外挂英字】2009年英国皇家歌剧院 普赛耳《狄朵与埃涅阿斯》Purcell's Dido and Æneas - Royal Opera House
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www.bilibili.com  2021-2-10 13:50