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Left 4 Dead 2 求生之路2:绝对零度·续章(第1,2,3关)(Absolute Zero Epilogue)

10天前 2:55
[视频作者] 神diao老鸡鸡
[视频时长] 53:0
[视频类型] 单机游戏
游戏故事发生的时间与原作几乎相同,将呈现另外四名幸存者在僵尸横行的四个场景中奋力求生的艰辛历程 The game takes place at almost the same time as the original game, and will present the difficult journey of four other survivors struggling to survive in four zombie-infested scenes.  求生之路2高手萌新聚集地 :32634447
[图]Left 4 Dead 2 求生之路2:绝对零度·续章(第1,2,3关)(Absolute Zero Epilogue)
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