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【復原唐樂合奏】秦王破陣樂 -- [Reconstructed Tang-period Ensemble Music] Music of the Triumph

2024-4-24 21:19
[视频作者] 长清居士
[视频时长] 6:6
[视频类型] 演奏
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hwnnDVy-cdM 原视频于2024年2月29日发布 原标题:【復原唐樂合奏】秦王破陣樂 -- [Reconstructed Tang-period Ensemble Music] Music of the Triumphant Prince of Qín 0:00 標題 Title 0:06 樂譜復原概要 Summary of the Restoration Process 0:36 復原樂曲演奏 Featured Performan
[图]【復原唐樂合奏】秦王破陣樂 -- [Reconstructed Tang-period Ensemble Music] Music of the Triumph
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