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小黑书 40|柏拉图《申辩篇》有声书(带文本)Plato Apology - Full audiobook with accompanying text

2024-4-15 18:23
[视频作者] OBC奥斯卡双语读书会
[视频时长] 66:13
[视频类型] 人文历史
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZhloHrVlZM Plato's Apology is one of the most famous and admired texts in world literature. It offers what many scholars believe is a fairly reliable account of what the Athenian philosopher Socrates (469 BCE - 399 BCE) sa
[图]小黑书 40|柏拉图《申辩篇》有声书(带文本)Plato   Apology - Full audiobook with accompanying text
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