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【Paul Mescal】【Daisy Edgar-Jones】| Normal People 主演和导演聊小说改编成电视剧和他们面试的故事

2024-4-4 22:46
[视频作者] Glitter_Stella
[视频时长] 10:44
[视频类型] 明星综合
https://youtu.be/3Au_NznzXdQ The director and stars of the BBC Three show Normal People discuss turning Sally Rooney’s novel into the talked about TV hit, how they filmed those intimate scenes and more. Hosted by Edith Bowman.
[图]【Paul Mescal】【Daisy Edgar-Jones】| Normal People 主演和导演聊小说改编成电视剧和他们面试的故事
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