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别把它放进嘴里-Don't you put it in your mouth.

2024-4-2 7:32
[视频作者] 耀月゛
[视频时长] 3:1
[视频类型] 短片
https://youtu.be/vyl5Mwr84MA 搬运YouTube怪异的一面合集 作者:haiminh 发布时间:2006年3月27日发布 简介:I didn't make this. The lion at the end of the ad bringsup the moral of the song - listen to what he has to say,kids. 中文翻译:这不是我做的。广告结尾的狮子提出了这首歌的寓意--听他说些什么,孩子们。 p2信息见置顶
[图]别把它放进嘴里-Don't you put it in your mouth.
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