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【中英字幕】“仁慈是有代价的。”Epic音乐剧Ruthlessness手书 by gigi

3-7 17:53
[视频作者] 木羽TiAmo
[视频时长] 4:54
[视频类型] 短片·手书
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skVSbITX4kY 原简介: that was probably one of the hardest animatics I've ever done. Truly hope you guys enjoy it, making it was certainly one experience. Also fun fact, this animatic has 957 frames. It's officially the most fra
[图]【中英字幕】“仁慈是有代价的。”Epic音乐剧Ruthlessness手书 by gigi
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