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寂静岭OST - Acceptance | 钢琴翻弹cover【Felisa鸡太太】

2024-2-21 23:03
[视频作者] 竖花姬
[视频时长] 3:47
[视频类型] 演奏
来源&参考:寂静岭-破碎的记忆-Acceptance 山冈晃 【My kindergarten homework piano 16】 ****** 歌词: Time flows Nobody knows The years go by Where we go Alone from here Night falls Strange-colored walls My eyes deceive What is wrong With me? Deep in the night you thi
[图]寂静岭OST - Acceptance | 钢琴翻弹cover【Felisa鸡太太】
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