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《歌剧魅影》片段 The Point of No Return(至此不归)Christine, that's all I ask of (you)...

2024-2-20 6:05
[视频作者] 账号已注销
[视频时长] 6:39
[视频类型] 影视剪辑
2004电影版《歌剧魅影》 Phantom借用自己写的歌剧《胜利的唐璜》(Don Juan Triumphant) 向Christine倾泻内心炽热的情感。 Our games of make-believe are at an end.(我们的伪装游戏已经画上了句点) 并在曲终后向克里斯汀表达爱意:Anywhere you go let me go too. Christine, that's all I ask of (you)...
[图]《歌剧魅影》片段 The Point of No Return(至此不归)Christine, that's all I ask of (you)...
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