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传奇数学家拉马努金16岁用来自学の教材 |Ramanujan Learned Math With This Book

2-9 13:54
[视频作者] 白鸟青山鸣迷途何复归
[视频时长] 9:32
[视频类型] 校园学习
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV6vcU4bwl0 In this video I will show you the book that the legendary Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan used used to learn math. This is a very interesting book with tons of results. The book is titled "A Synopsis of
[图]传奇数学家拉马努金16岁用来自学の教材 |Ramanujan Learned Math With This Book
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