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【中英双语】齐泽克:跨性别本质上并不具有革命性There is nothing inherently revolutionary in transgender

2023-12-12 2:28
[视频作者] 爱尔奎特_Officiall
[视频时长] 10:4
[视频类型] 社科·法律·心理
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScZCL0KYj3M Zizek begins with a discussion about Karl Marx and his prediction that traditional, patriarchal social norms will become uprooted as capitalism progresses. Zizek argues that Marx did not go far enough because he
[图]【中英双语】齐泽克:跨性别本质上并不具有革命性There is nothing inherently revolutionary in transgender
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