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【TED演讲】用智能让建筑减排/2022年/Smart solutions to decarbonize buildings

2023-11-28 0:59
[视频作者] 锡育软件
[视频时长] 3:52
[视频类型] 设计·创意
TED演讲者:Katie McGinty | 凯瑟琳·麦金蒂 演讲标题:Smart solutions to decarbonize buildings | 用智能让建筑减排 内容概要:Buildings are bad news for the climate -- the indoor spaces we spend most of our lives in emit 40 percent of the world's greenhouse gases. Rethinking how to creat
[图]【TED演讲】用智能让建筑减排/2022年/Smart solutions to decarbonize buildings
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