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【网游史诗音乐】Lena Raine and Kim "SOL" Sowon - The Cycle Ends -《激战2:巨龙绝境》OST 淑雯 进攻本/任务

2023-11-27 17:26
[视频作者] AssAssiN影舞
[视频时长] 3:4
[视频类型] 演奏
搬运油管 解析作者:michram 0:00 Anorchestral prelude. I think the intention of the beginning without any gugak instruments is to indicate that the Dragons are from all over Tyria. There is brass, strings and percussion. The melody that strings play is quite simil
[图]【网游史诗音乐】Lena Raine and Kim "SOL" Sowon - The Cycle Ends -《激战2:巨龙绝境》OST 淑雯 进攻本/任务
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