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One day, we will become memories of others, try our best to make it beautiful. Be gentle with your love when you are young, because when you are old,

2023-11-26 8:20
[视频作者] Ellie艾莉89
One day, we will become memories of others, try our best to make it beautiful. Be gentle with your love when you are young, because when you are old, you will only remember this gentleness.总有一天,我们会成为别人的回忆,尽力让它美好吧。年轻的时候一定要温柔地对待你的爱情,因为在年老时,你将只会记得这份温柔。#冬日氛围大赏# LEllie艾莉89的微博视频 收起d
[图]One day, we will become memories of others, try our best to make it beautiful. Be gentle with your love when you are young, because when you are old,
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