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多尼采蒂F大调双簧管奏鸣曲A504Gaetano Donizetti - Oboe Sonata in F Major (A 504)

2023-11-12 21:35
[视频作者] 萘萘僳
[视频时长] 6:48
[视频类型] 演奏
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7CbBJhq9TBw&pp=ygUWZG9uaXpldHRpIG9ib2Ugc29uYXRhIA%3D%3D 原视频简介: Probably written in the 1820's, it was only edited and published in 1966. The sonata is in two movements, Andante and Allegro, and they are separated by a short c
[图]多尼采蒂F大调双簧管奏鸣曲A504Gaetano Donizetti - Oboe Sonata in F Major (A 504)
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