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今生的富貴,皆是前世所種的善因而來;前世若無善因,就要靠現在努力。 The riches and honors you enjoy in this life a

2023-11-5 8:26
[视频作者] bili_1054198217
[视频时长] 0:28
[视频类型] 人文历史
今生的富貴,皆是前世所種的善因而來;前世若無善因,就要靠現在努力。 The riches and honors you enjoy in this life are results of the good you did in the previous life. If you did not do good in the previous life, then do it now.
[图]今生的富貴,皆是前世所種的善因而來;前世若無善因,就要靠現在努力。 The riches and honors you enjoy in this life a
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