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【Phigros自制】Gangnam Style [IN]

2023-10-17 1:56
[视频作者] 凉了的芝麻糊
[视频时长] 2:52
[视频类型] 音游
流行音乐精选集 感谢@十六点一刻 的PE Renderer 曲名:Gangnam Style (강남 스타일) 作曲:PSY 曲绘:N/A 难度:IN Lv.13 网盘已更新,谱面可通过置顶动态获取。谱师已AP Disclaimer: I do not own the song, the image or the program. I only made the chart. If you don't want your illustration or music to be shown in t
[图]【Phigros自制】Gangnam Style [IN]
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