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马勒第六交响曲“悲剧” Gustavo Gimeno | OPL | Mahler 6 – Livestream

2023-10-5 1:21
[视频作者] 方圆_StefanWinds
[视频时长] 88:41
[视频类型] 音乐现场
https://www.youtube.com/live/hJ86QIX-1Jw?feature=share Since taking up his position as chief conductor of the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Gustavo Gimeno has placed a central focus of his work with the orchestra on the symphonic works of Gustav
[图]马勒第六交响曲“悲剧” Gustavo Gimeno | OPL | Mahler 6 – Livestream
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