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【中英双语】马克思与恩格斯:《德意志意识形态》导读Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The German Ideology

2023-9-23 14:28
[视频作者] 爱尔奎特_Officiall
[视频时长] 24:5
[视频类型] 社科·法律·心理
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URr_Hd7ouZs&t=351s The German Ideology was arguably the very first, real, concrete 'Marxist' work. Laying out the future for historical materialism, dialectical materialism, division of labor, and alienation via the labor p
[图]【中英双语】马克思与恩格斯:《德意志意识形态》导读Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The German Ideology
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