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【郑慧博士演奏】The Grapes Are Ripe

2023-9-20 15:40
[视频作者] 香港钢琴家郑慧博士
[视频时长] 5:4
[视频类型] 演奏
當二胡遇上鋼琴 -葡萄熟了 The Grapes Are Ripe 作曲:周維  鋼琴:鄭 慧 胡琴:辛小玲   郑慧 钢琴博士 Piano Dr. Cheng Wai   任教于香港演艺学院、香港浸会大学及香港中文大学 She currently teaches at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.  
[图]【郑慧博士演奏】The Grapes Are Ripe
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