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唱儿歌 学英语🙍🏻‍♂️#39: Good Morning to You+早上好+英语儿歌+英文儿歌+英语早教+英语启蒙+儿童娱乐+宝宝英语+学前教育+英语

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Good Morning to You   *视频中的歌词: Good morning to you! Good morning to you! We’re all in our places With sun-shiny faces. Is this not the way to start a new day? Good morning to you! Good morning to You! Whatever the weather, We’ll make it together, In work 唱儿歌 学英语🙍🏻‍♂️#39: Good Morning to You+早上好+英语儿歌+英文儿歌+英语早教+英语启蒙+儿童娱乐+宝宝英语+学前教育+英语