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2011版本 Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence (圣诞快乐劳伦斯先生)-坂本龍一

2023-6-25 4:29
[视频作者] system-ramos-zoo
[视频时长] 5:44
[视频类型] 演奏
www.kugoumusic.com one day | passed away 有一天我去世了 Those who hate me dance 恨我的人翩翩起舞 L ove me tears like dew 爱我的人眼泪如露 The second day 第二天 My body was buried in the deep undergroundwith its head facing west 我的尸体头朝西埋在地下深处 Those who hate me look at my grave with
[图]2011版本 Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence (圣诞快乐劳伦斯先生)-坂本龍一
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