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【#菲尔米诺安菲尔德告别战# 】利物浦球迷剪辑视频送给他们最棒的9号!🔥“There’s something that the Kop want you to know, The best in the world his name is Bobby Firmino, Our number nine

2023-6-24 10:47
[视频作者] 英国足球那点事
【#菲尔米诺安菲尔德告别战# 】利物浦球迷剪辑视频送给他们最棒的9号!🔥“There’s something that the Kop want you to know, The best in the world his name is Bobby Firmino, Our number nine, Give him the ball and he’ll score every time, Si senor, Give the ball to Bobby and he will score” 🎶#利物浦vs阿斯顿维拉# L英国足球那点事的微博视频 收起d
[图]【#菲尔米诺安菲尔德告别战# 】利物浦球迷剪辑视频送给他们最棒的9号!🔥“There’s something that the Kop want you to know, The best in the world his name is Bobby Firmino, Our number nine
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