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【神奇的瓜塔佩石岩 (Rock of Guatapé)】瓜塔佩石岩(Rock of Guatapé)是哥伦比亚瓜塔佩镇上的一座巨大的岩石形成物。该岩石,又称“拉皮埃德拉”,高达220米(721英尺),共有649级阶梯通往山顶。它是哥伦比亚的一个热门旅游胜地,每年吸引着数千名游客前来参观。The Ro

2023-5-24 14:09
[视频作者] 美国创业者
【神奇的瓜塔佩石岩 (Rock of Guatapé)】瓜塔佩石岩(Rock of Guatapé)是哥伦比亚瓜塔佩镇上的一座巨大的岩石形成物。该岩石,又称“拉皮埃德拉”,高达220米(721英尺),共有649级阶梯通往山顶。它是哥伦比亚的一个热门旅游胜地,每年吸引着数千名游客前来参观。The Rock of Guatapé is a massive rock formation located in the town of Guatapé in Colombia. The rock, also known as "La Piedra," stands at a height of 220 meters (721 feet) and has a total of 649 steps to the top. It is a popular tourist destination in Colombia, attracting thousands of visitors each year.该岩石形成于数百万年前,据信是侏罗纪时期形成的。当地传说称,该岩石曾被在西班牙征服之前居住在该地区的土著塔哈米斯人崇拜。20世纪50年代,当地居民攀爬这座岩石时使用了木板和手工雕刻的脚手架。The formation of the rock dates back millions of years and is believed to have been formed during the Jurassic period. According to local legend, the rock was once worshipped by the indigenous Tahamies people who inhabited the area before the Spanish conquest. It was later climbed by a group of local residents in the 1950s, who scaled the rock using wooden planks and hand-carved footholds.在1970年代,建造了一座楼梯,使游客更容易爬上这座岩石。从瓜塔佩石岩的山顶上,游客可以欣赏到周围乡村的全景,包括Peñol-Guatapé水库,这里是划船和水上运动的热门地点。In the 1970s, a staircase was constructed, making it easier for visitors to climb to the top of the rock. From the top of the Rock of Guatapé, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, including the Peñol-Guatapé Reservoir, which is a popular spot for boating and water sports.近年来,这座岩石成为了极限运动的热门场所,包括攀岩和跳伞。它还出现在许多电影和电视节目中,包括流行的Netflix系列《毒枭》。In recent years, the rock has become a popular site for extreme sports, including rock climbing and base jumping. It has also been featured in a number of films and television shows, including the popular Netflix series "Narcos." L美国创业者的微博视频 收起d
[图]【神奇的瓜塔佩石岩 (Rock of Guatapé)】瓜塔佩石岩(Rock of Guatapé)是哥伦比亚瓜塔佩镇上的一座巨大的岩石形成物。该岩石,又称“拉皮埃德拉”,高达220米(721英尺),共有649级阶梯通往山顶。它是哥伦比亚的一个热门旅游胜地,每年吸引着数千名游客前来参观。The Ro
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以下链接为影音视频“【神奇的瓜塔佩石岩 (Rock of Guatapé)】瓜塔佩石岩(Rock of Guatapé)是哥伦比亚瓜塔佩镇上的一座巨大的岩石形成物。该岩石,又称“拉皮埃德拉”,高达220米(721英尺),共有649级阶梯通往山顶。它是哥伦比亚的一个热门旅游胜地,每年吸引着数千名游客前来参观。The Ro”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦