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宗萨仁波切 Imagine yourself falling in love while your lover lives on the other side of the town. You miss him so much that you climb onto the roof

2023-5-22 23:53
[视频作者] 智慧之光-
宗萨仁波切 Imagine yourself falling in love while your lover lives on the other side of the town. You miss him so much that you climb onto the roof just to look in the direction of his home. When you gaze, you crave to be with him. This is the kind of longing and longing you should cultivate for Amitabha. This is the perfect way to prepare for death#一起来投票# L智慧之光-的微博视频 收起d
[图]宗萨仁波切 Imagine yourself falling in love while your lover lives on the other side of the town. You miss him so much that you climb onto the roof
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