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【几何冲刺】My Lost Love (Medium Demon)

2023-5-17 9:41
[视频作者] 污王殿下
[视频时长] 3:44
[视频类型] 单机游戏
id:89835860 两条路线,开局可以选择cosmos或是magic forest,二者在背景art上有明显不同 本关讲述了一个有关于单相思的故事,在关里用文字体现,这里直接附上原文: Cosmos: From the moment I saw her for the first time, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She is the last thought I fall asleep with, and the first one I wak
[图]【几何冲刺】My Lost Love (Medium Demon)
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