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【钢琴】孙榆桐 Yutong Sun 舒曼 _交响练习曲 Schumann Symphonic Etudes, Op.13(2012)_客座音乐家

2023-5-9 22:54
[视频作者] Lausanne灯
[视频时长] 27:54
[视频类型] 演奏
youtube. com Yutong Sun plays Schumann Symphonic Etudes, Op.13 SoundProfessional Boston Currently just 16 years old, Yutong Sun won first place in the 54th International Jaén Piano Competition in Spain, one of the world's oldest and most established pia
[图]【钢琴】孙榆桐 Yutong Sun 舒曼 _交响练习曲 Schumann Symphonic Etudes, Op.13(2012)_客座音乐家
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