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碧蓝档案 - 優しさの記憶 ⧸ Memories of Kindness - Guitar Fingerstyle Cover

2023-4-11 4:15
[视频作者] 柊彩香
[视频时长] 4:59
[视频类型] 手机游戏
https://youtu.be/LJxZQ50yuYQ #BlueArchive #블루아카이브 #ブルーアーカイブ Tabs will be out by 3/20/2023 (Promise!) I did not expect my heart to get ripped out last week when this ED dropped. So of course I had to cover it. I can't wait for it to release on Global. Hop
[图]碧蓝档案 - 優しさの記憶 ⧸ Memories of Kindness - Guitar Fingerstyle Cover
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