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徐英浩 🐈JOHNNY 211211 MAMA Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10:NCT 127JOHNNY CUT“We'll make your happiness the greatest happiness you've ever r

2023-4-2 12:15
[视频作者] 209号杂货铺
徐英浩 🐈JOHNNY 211211 MAMA Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10:NCT 127JOHNNY CUT“We'll make your happiness the greatest happiness you've ever received…”“I would like to say thank you to Czenies all around the world, because you guys are the reason we’re receiving this award. And I know the 2021 probably wasn’t the easiest year, but i hope that our music and performances made it a little bit better, and i hope 2022 will make your happiness the greatest happiness you’ve ever received. Anyway thank you so much, and we love you~”我想对全世界的西珍妮说感谢,因为你们是我们获得这个奖的理由。然后我知道2021年可能不是很容易的一年,但是我希望我们的音乐和表演能让它变得更好一点,并且我希望2022年能让你的幸福成为你收到过的最大幸福。总之,非常感谢大家,我们爱你们。L209号杂货铺的微博视频 收起d
[图]徐英浩 🐈JOHNNY 211211 MAMA Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10:NCT 127JOHNNY CUT“We'll make your happiness the greatest happiness you've ever r
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