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歌剧 《伦敦塔狱卒》 Jack Point最好的演绎 I have a song to sing, O!

2023-3-26 14:20
[视频作者] 生命是恩惠吗
[视频时长] 2:17
[视频类型] 音乐现场
The Yeomen of the Guard Point. Oh, thoughtless crew! Ye know not what ye do! Attend to me, and shed a tear or two  For I have a song to sing, O! All. Sing me your song, O! Point. It is sung to the moon By a love-lorn loon, Who fled from the mocking th
[图]歌剧 《伦敦塔狱卒》 Jack Point最好的演绎 I have a song to sing, O!
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