【如高原上稀少的树木般坚韧,这群那曲女性活出了“独立”的真正模样】“一般在藏族地区,只要是妇女都得看着丈夫脸色,但是从我的经历讲,要靠自己的双手打拼,靠自己的双脚站立。”在4500米海拔那曲高原出生成长的藏族女性文措,曾经有过最艰难的时光:离婚后自己一人带三个孩子,在城市里卖废品摆 展开c
2023-3-18 8:26
[视频作者] CGTN
【如高原上稀少的树木般坚韧,这群那曲女性活出了“独立”的真正模样】“一般在藏族地区,只要是妇女都得看着丈夫脸色,但是从我的经历讲,要靠自己的双手打拼,靠自己的双脚站立。”在4500米海拔那曲高原出生成长的藏族女性文措,曾经有过最艰难的时光:离婚后自己一人带三个孩子,在城市里卖废品摆地摊;没有文化的她在女儿生病后开始跑生意赚医药费,不会汉语就靠计算器打数字来交流,靠着智慧与力气一步一步走来。如今的她是“那曲牧女联合创业公司”的联合创始人,她帮助身边来自困难家庭的女性就业,其中许多和她一样是单亲妈妈。独立自主、相信努力,我们看文措如何带领这些妇女们闯出一片天。#高原上的女企业家# #西藏的女儿们# #3.8国际妇女节# #纪录片# "In many areas of Tibet, women are dependent on their husbands to earn a living while they take care of the children. However, from my own experience, I believe that it is important for women to learn to support themselves and pave their own path in life."Wangtso, co-founder of the Nagqu Herding Women's Joint Venture Company, was born in the city of Nagqu, 4,500 meters above sea level. Throughout her life, she has faced many challenges. As a single mother of three, at one time she had to sell scrap to feed her children. Later, it was only by learning to do business that she was able to pay her daughter's medical bills. Having never been to school nor knowing how to speak Mandarin, Wangtso struggled to communicate. But her persistence and hard work eventually paid off, and now she not only makes a good living for her family, but is also able to help others.Most of the employees at her company are women from disadvantaged families – many of whom are single mothers like herself. She has shown how women, by controlling their own fate, can bring about positive change for themselves and those around them. LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
以下链接为影音视频“【如高原上稀少的树木般坚韧,这群那曲女性活出了“独立”的真正模样】“一般在藏族地区,只要是妇女都得看着丈夫脸色,但是从我的经历讲,要靠自己的双手打拼,靠自己的双脚站立。”在4500米海拔那曲高原出生成长的藏族女性文措,曾经有过最艰难的时光:离婚后自己一人带三个孩子,在城市里卖废品摆 展开c”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦