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【#雪域路书# 记忆 少女成人礼的彩色围裙:邦典】Check out what the CGTN team got in Shannan City, Tibet! The beautiful apron is actually for girls of 15, and is a coming-of-

2023-3-15 15:08
[视频作者] CGTN
【#雪域路书# 记忆 少女成人礼的彩色围裙:邦典】Check out what the CGTN team got in Shannan City, Tibet! The beautiful apron is actually for girls of 15, and is a coming-of-age gift in the region. Although CGTN's journey #IntoTibet2020# has come to an end, check out what they brought back and stories from their trip. @Marco_Shan @itsAbby萌小懒 @noel苏诺伊 For more: O网页链接 LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]【#雪域路书# 记忆 少女成人礼的彩色围裙:邦典】Check out what the CGTN team got in Shannan City, Tibet! The beautiful apron is actually for girls of 15, and is a coming-of-
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