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杰倫:AI雖然可以做很多事 但取代不了我對音樂創作的美感 所以我無需擔心 這個道理從AI還沒出現我就知道了 Despite the capabilities of today's artificial intelligence, my special touch of musicality can'

2023-2-25 21:44
[视频作者] 周杰伦中文网JayCn
杰倫:AI雖然可以做很多事 但取代不了我對音樂創作的美感 所以我無需擔心 這個道理從AI還沒出現我就知道了 Despite the capabilities of today's artificial intelligence, my special touch of musicality can't be recreated by a machine, and that's why you don't see me worrying about it.I've understood this principle since way back when Al wasn't as advanced - check out this song from2003.L周杰伦中文网JayCn的微博视频 收起d
[图]杰倫:AI雖然可以做很多事 但取代不了我對音樂創作的美感 所以我無需擔心 這個道理從AI還沒出現我就知道了 Despite the capabilities of today's artificial intelligence, my special touch of musicality can'
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