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德国童声三人组Die Chorjungen演唱莫扎特《魔笛》选曲和《圣体颂/Ave verum corpus》

2023-2-19 5:48
[视频作者] 爱乐小鬼
[视频时长] 7:11
[视频类型] 音乐现场
Die Chorjungen (Augsburger Domsingknaben) The Classical Stars of Tomorrow with Rolando Villazón (ARTE | 2014) Nico, Jan and Georg are actually normal teenagers who like to play soccer and listen to music. However, they can also sing very well. They do
[图]德国童声三人组Die Chorjungen演唱莫扎特《魔笛》选曲和《圣体颂/Ave verum corpus》
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