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宋徽宗赵佶唯一存世山水画-《雪江归棹图》观后感(双语版)My Impression of Returning Vessels on Snowy River

2023-2-19 4:22
[视频作者] 与天无极
[视频时长] 3:51
[视频类型] 人文历史
《雪江归棹图》观后感(双语版)厦门四季无冬,也不曾见过下雪,而宋徽宗赵佶的四幅不同季节的山水画,且只留下冬景这一幅,即《雪江归棹图》。 Amoy sees no winter, and snow never lands on the water. Of all the landscape in four seasons painted by Zhao Ji, the eighth emperor of the Song Dynasty, only the winter landscape survives
[图]宋徽宗赵佶唯一存世山水画-《雪江归棹图》观后感(双语版)My Impression of Returning Vessels on Snowy River
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www.ixigua.com  2021-7-19 15:25