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地下丝绒1966罕见录音European son(安迪沃霍尔私人收藏磁带中找到的)The Velvet Underground & Nico

2023-2-18 0:27
[视频作者] 呼伦贝尔首富
[视频时长] 4:18
[视频类型] MV
Live at the Filmmakers' Cinlematheque, New York City. Recorded in early Februaary of 1966. Taken from tthe All Tomorrows Parties boootleg, which in return was taken from one of Warhols private tape collections.
[图]地下丝绒1966罕见录音European son(安迪沃霍尔私人收藏磁带中找到的)The Velvet Underground & Nico
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