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【可视化】斯特拉考什-扬基歌主题音乐会变奏曲 M.Strakosch-Concert Variations on theme of Yankee Doodle

2023-2-16 19:37
[视频作者] 某LED灯管
[视频时长] 5:47
[视频类型] 演奏
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiVJ10uelOo A very patriotic piece turned into a ridiculously difficult piece. The composer Maurice Strakosch wrote this piece in 1882. The piece begins with a gentle introduction before becoming fast and difficult. There a
[图]【可视化】斯特拉考什-扬基歌主题音乐会变奏曲 M.Strakosch-Concert Variations on theme of Yankee Doodle
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