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[中学生德国留学十八] 孩子可以打游戏吗?Can the children play games?

2023-2-16 16:30
[视频作者] 文化相遇
[视频时长] 7:55
[视频类型] 校园学习
家长都不希望孩子打游戏,但是如果孩子除了打游戏,知道自己还有别的事情做,那就够了,相信他们。 看看现在的孩子都打什么游戏? Most of the parents don't like their children play games, but except for that, the chilldren know they have other things to do, that's enough. Trust them. Take a look what kind of games the chi
[图][中学生德国留学十八] 孩子可以打游戏吗?Can the children play games?
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