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The Astronaut 英文版歌词 You and me Will go down in history (直:你和我 终将被载入史册)你和我的时光 终将被永远铭记The greatest story ever 迄今为止最棒的故事One for the centuries世纪更迭独一无二I sa

2023-2-9 20:12
[视频作者] 柒元呐
The Astronaut 英文版歌词 You and me Will go down in history (直:你和我 终将被载入史册)你和我的时光 终将被永远铭记The greatest story ever 迄今为止最棒的故事One for the centuries世纪更迭独一无二I saw you l was broken, open 看见你那刻 你闯入开启我心门Tore right into two 撕扯着一分为二l never saw anything as beautiful as you 我从未见过如你这般美好的人If l woke up and all this was just a dream如果我醒来这一切只是梦一场I want to tell you just what you mean我想告诉你 你对我的意义You and me Will go down in history 你和我的时光 终将被永远铭记In these lives together在芸芸众生之中Something‘s meant to me这份存在对我意义非凡Coldplay Cover O网页链接 . L柒元呐的微博视频 收起d
[图]The Astronaut 英文版歌词 You and me Will go down in history (直:你和我 终将被载入史册)你和我的时光 终将被永远铭记The greatest story ever 迄今为止最棒的故事One for the centuries世纪更迭独一无二I sa
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