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【野采系列】捕食篇 水游蛇捕食蛙类 棋斑水游蛇捕食鱼类 | Snakes on the hunt(2021)

2023-2-1 23:18
[视频作者] smKerouac寻满山
[视频时长] 8:5
[视频类型] 小宠异宠
https://youtu.be/m6Bwe-puduc There are 2 snake species in Central Europe that specialize in hunting near or under the water. Grass snake (Natrix natrix) eats frogs a lot and Dice snake (Natrix tessellata) hunts fish.
[图]【野采系列】捕食篇 水游蛇捕食蛙类 棋斑水游蛇捕食鱼类 | Snakes on the hunt(2021)
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