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Day565:垂老别(三)杜甫 许渊冲译

2023-1-24 6:10
[视频作者] 唱歌剧的乒乓汉斯
[视频时长] 1:8
[视频类型] 校园学习
垂老别(三)杜甫 许渊冲译 人生有离合,岂择衰盛端。 To meet or part is fate in life, Whether with a young or old wife. 忆昔少壮日,迟回竟长叹。 Remembering when I was strong, Can I not heave sighs deep and long! 万国尽征戍,烽火被冈峦。 War's raging in the countryside; Beacon fire blazes far and wid
[图]Day565:垂老别(三)杜甫 许渊冲译
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