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The Great Race Book - Christopher Corr - Book Reading

2023-1-24 1:03
[视频作者] Letsroll雪球
[视频时长] 6:58
[视频类型] 人文历史
Today we share with you our favorite book about the Chinese zodiac, The Great Race by Christopher Corr. We read it here in a similar way to how we read it to our daughter Snowball. 大家好!希望你们春节过得愉快~ 今天的推送是这段时间我们配合着生肖主题,为雪球阅读的绘本之一《伟大的赛跑》。与你们分享、希望你们喜欢~
[图]The Great Race Book - Christopher Corr - Book Reading
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