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【双人舞跳“活”屈原笔下诗】《湘君》与《湘夫人》是浪漫主义诗人屈原的《九歌》其中两章。作为描写湘水之神的诗歌,它们汲取了古代神话元素,富有浓厚的生活情趣和浪漫色彩。明代画家文徵明的《湘君湘夫人图》便取材于此。画家以清劲秀丽的字体、圆润流畅的线条,表达出《九歌》的唯美诗意。中央广播 ​ 展开c

2023-1-19 23:19
[视频作者] CGTNculture
【双人舞跳“活”屈原笔下诗】《湘君》与《湘夫人》是浪漫主义诗人屈原的《九歌》其中两章。作为描写湘水之神的诗歌,它们汲取了古代神话元素,富有浓厚的生活情趣和浪漫色彩。明代画家文徵明的《湘君湘夫人图》便取材于此。画家以清劲秀丽的字体、圆润流畅的线条,表达出《九歌》的唯美诗意。中央广播电视总台大型文化节目《#诗画中国# 》邀请北京舞蹈学院青年舞团演员王念慈与中国歌剧舞剧院舞蹈演员李祎然,分饰湘君和湘夫人。两位演员以舞蹈展现湘水之神的曼妙身姿,并与文化学者吴为山、娄玮、康震一同品味《湘君湘夫人图》,体悟文徵明画笔下的古意。Born in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period over 2,300 years ago, Qu Yuan was a great patriotic poet in Chinese history. He ushered in a new style of romantic poetry and wrote many famous poems, including the "Nine Songs" -- a set of poems involving spirit journeys and the invocation of divine beings. Among the "Nine Songs," "the Goddess of the Xiang" and "the Lady of the Xiang" depicted the goddesses of Xiang Water in the legend, on the basis of which, the literati artist Wen Zhengming from the Ming Dynasty painted the masterpiece "Portrait of the Goddess and the Lady of the Xiang." The goddesses under soft and delicate brushstrokes fully exhibited the romanticism of Qu Yuan. With inscriptions in elegant calligraphy, the poetic meaning of the painting got a verbal explication. Produced by China Media Group, the cultural program "China in Poetry and Painting" invited dancers Wang Nianci and Li Yiran to perform a dance inspired by this masterpiece drawn by Wen. LCGTNculture的微博视频 收起d
[图]【双人舞跳“活”屈原笔下诗】《湘君》与《湘夫人》是浪漫主义诗人屈原的《九歌》其中两章。作为描写湘水之神的诗歌,它们汲取了古代神话元素,富有浓厚的生活情趣和浪漫色彩。明代画家文徵明的《湘君湘夫人图》便取材于此。画家以清劲秀丽的字体、圆润流畅的线条,表达出《九歌》的唯美诗意。中央广播 ​ 展开c
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haokan.baidu.com  2021-6-26 14:09