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【齐默尔曼】勃拉姆斯d小调主题与变奏曲Krystian Zimerman-Brahms Theme and Variations,Op.18(曲谱同步)

2023-1-19 6:08
[视频作者] AlfredBrendel
[视频时长] 11:28
[视频类型] 演奏
原简介太长,放评论区。 Theme and Variations in D minor for Piano Solo (Arranged from the second movement of the Sextet, Op. 18). Before the final revisions and publishing of the String Sextet in B-flat, Clara Schumann heard Brahms trying it out. Especially impresse
[图]【齐默尔曼】勃拉姆斯d小调主题与变奏曲Krystian Zimerman-Brahms Theme and Variations,Op.18(曲谱同步)
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