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《Dreaming Alone》Against The Current feat. Taka cover

2023-1-18 23:57
[视频作者] kakuyu_kuyu
[视频时长] 1:14
[视频类型] 翻唱
我喜欢这首歌,从 7 年前发行的那一刻起。 与Taka的二重唱真是太棒了! I love this song since it was released 7 years ago. The duet with Taka from ONE OK ROCK is just amazing! 原唱:Against The Current feat.Taka https://youtu.be/G6aBAQsq5jI https://c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/u?__=tn6d3gTa4T1
[图]《Dreaming Alone》Against The Current feat. Taka cover
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