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On 30th November 2019, Maksim invited the internationally renowned ballet dancer Sergei Polunin to perform with him in his concert at the Mercedes Ben

2023-1-18 23:14
[视频作者] 马克西姆-Maksim
On 30th November 2019, Maksim invited the internationally renowned ballet dancer Sergei Polunin to perform with him in his concert at the Mercedes Benz Arena in Shanghai. Sergei danced to Maksim’s performance of the ‘Nutcracker Fantasy’ - a track from his New Silk Road album arranged by John Lenehan and from the ever-popular Tchaikovsky ballet.---2019年11月30日,马克西姆邀请国际著名芭蕾舞演员@谢尔盖普罗宁 在上海梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心的演奏会上同台表演。谢尔盖随着马克西姆弹奏的《胡桃夹子幻想曲》翩翩起舞,这是由约翰·莱内汉(John Lenehan)制作的来自马克西姆《新丝绸之路》专辑中的一首,也是很受欢迎的柴可夫斯基芭蕾舞曲中的一首。 L马克西姆-Maksim的微博视频 收起d
[图]On 30th November 2019, Maksim invited the internationally renowned ballet dancer Sergei Polunin to perform with him in his concert at the Mercedes Ben
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