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【萨翁林纳x凯里迈基风景】西贝柳斯 D大调第二交响曲 Op.42

2023-1-14 16:05
[视频作者] 塞琉西亚拆迁队
[视频时长] 43:37
[视频类型] 演奏
YouTube Savonlinna: Landscape I The landscape of Savonlinna, lying to the north of Helsinki, boasts green fields, forests and lakes. II A darker view of the countryside around Savonlinna is seen in the dark forests, a contrast to the sunnier grassland of
[图]【萨翁林纳x凯里迈基风景】西贝柳斯 D大调第二交响曲 Op.42
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