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动人旋律 ▶ 最后的莫西干人(主题曲) - 竖琴 【Marion】♬ᴴᴰ↻

2023-1-11 16:52
[视频作者] AssAssiN影舞
[视频时长] 3:59
[视频类型] 演奏
https://youtu.be/2ptAmif_eK8 My adaptation on the harp of "The Gael", by Dougie MacLean who is a Scottish composer. This song was also adapted by Trevor Jones as the main theme to The Last of the Mohicans. Hope you enjoy !
[图]动人旋律 ▶ 最后的莫西干人(主题曲) - 竖琴 【Marion】♬ᴴᴰ↻
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