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Sumina Studer & 勃拉姆斯-小提琴奏鸣曲片段 小提琴家在演奏的时候会想些什么?| Brahms' Sonata - Violin

2023-1-9 20:52
[视频作者] yancuannan
[视频时长] 0:17
https://youtu.be/lvOCbwCB9HY What a Violinist thinks when playing! #shorts Sumina Studer 2021年2月6日 I've been wanting to share this clip of what goes through my head while playing Johannes Brahms' Sonata - one of the most beautiful melodies of the romanti
Sumina Studer & 勃拉姆斯-小提琴奏鸣曲片段 小提琴家在演奏的时候会想些什么?| Brahms' Sonata - Violin
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